Remaining Relative Visa – Jeff Oxley

“Crawford Migration assisted me with my relative, who was in Papua New Guinea at the time. The service William gave us played a big role in getting our family member to Australia. William is a great migration agent!”


Jeff Oxley, Corio Bay Physiotherapy, Founder / Director and Physiotherapist, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Temporary Work Visa – Arief Budiansya

“I am a qualified chef and was working in Sydney and needed to change my sponsor to Melbourne. William helped considerably with my visa and transfer. Thanks to Crawford Migration, my visa was granted and I will soon be applying for my permanent visa.”


Arief Budiansya, Sydney, New South Wales, Melbourne Victoria, Australia

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Australian Citizenship granted – Alan Cort


View the signed testimoial by Mr Alan Cort.

“To whom it may concern,

earlier this year I engaged William Crawford to assist us in the task of renewal of my wife’s residency and also obtain her Australian Citizenship.

We have found William easy to work with, whilst him keeping it professional.

William is always prompt with his responses to my questions and telephone calls. William has taken the headache out of a complex process.

I would have no hesitation in recommending William to anyone requiring Residency or Citizenship assistance.

Thanks again for your help William.

Kind regards,

Alan Cort

New South Wales.”

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Partner Visa – Sophie Kallend, Australia

“Brilliant and efficient. William helped us every step of the way. It took a huge amount of stress from us, and he has always been available night and day to be helpful and answer any questions we may have. I have no hesitation in recommending William for all your needs in immigration and visas. Thank you so much. Because of William my partner now has permanent residency.”

Sophie Kallend, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia



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Working Holiday Visa – Marika Kajihara, Japan

I had the working holiday visa for Australia for one year. I had a very good experience. I studied English at a multinational school, and I was able to improve my English. This new ability enabled me to take action and William helped me find a job with a high hourly rate that was a very different culture with Japan. To work in local jobs at work and enjoy working and I learned many Australia culture while working in a great environment. We had friends around the world and learned about different cultures, so absolutely unique from Japan. For me this year it helped that I was able to know the world can really grow in confidence, changing values, and also knowing the best holiday life as well.






Marika Kajihara, Japan

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Partner Visa – Paolo Montenegro, Brazil

“Thank you Crawford Migration for my partner visa! And from my partner also, thank you so much. CM made this Partner visa for us. I am grateful for the services and recommend CM.”


Paulo Montenegro, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia  

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